Sunday, August 26, 2007

New Jerusalem or the Borg?

When the Star Trek: First Contact was in theatres, my friends at Regent College noticed the similarity between the design of the Borg ship and the shape of the New Jerusalem. We came up with our own Christian Borg slogan, "Resistance is futile. You will be resurrected."
We laughed but maybe we were not so far off. For a quick Google search will reveal that indeed there are aliens in our Bibles. You simply have to read the Bible with the correct interpretive lens. Thanks to Orson Welles' 1938 presentation of War of the Worlds, alien invasion was injected deep into the American psyche. In the Cold War World, the myth of the Little Green Men spread. As reports of sightings, abductions and other close encounters proliferate, the myth has taken a strong foothold in our cultural imagination. From these reports, we now know that these Visitors are not Green but Grey. The verdict is still out whether these Visitors are benevolent or more like us.
So, how do I find them in my Bible? Well, once you believe the reports and have an encyclopaedic view of scripture, then getting the aliens into the Bible is a simple matter. Any being that tries to teach or communicate a message to the human race from "the heavens" that doesn't specifically point to Jesus Christ is a demon, especially, if they promise world peace. Hocus Pocus! Aliens are really demons. Tada!
One of the arguments I have read is that only demons would have the technology that aliens seem to possess. Well, if aliens are demons. Then what is God. Is the New Jerusalem which comes down from the heavens, a huge cubical alien spacecraft. Or is someone misreading their Bible with a wacky hermeneutic.
The Fundamentalist and Dispensationalist approaches to scripture tend to import current culture into the Bible and then these beliefs come out as the inspired, infallible word of God. That is, if we read aliens into the Bible, then the Bible affirms the existence of "little grey men" and who are we as Christians to argue with God. There is no room left to say, perhaps these are demonic or psychological experiences but aliens are not visiting the earth.
The irony is that this approach to scripture often ends up supporting the worldviews which evoked the reaction.

People who believe in aliens are deceived and spreading lies.
Demons spread lies.
Aliens are demons.
People who believe in aliens are having genuine experience with otheworldly creatures.
Aliens exist and the Bible says so.